Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. .”

Romans 5:7,8 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

‘Devotion’ is a beautiful word. It means love, loyalty and enthusiasm for a person or an activity. It is also applied to our times of prayer which are described as ‘devotions’ and our tools of prayer described as ‘devotionals’.

In essence it reflects commitment to a level of sacrificial effort. The ‘devoted’, who care for the sick or suffering beyond the call of duty. Such devotion is epitomised by the saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, His preparedness to die even for those who were undeserving. As we think afresh about the devotional sacrifice that Jesus made for us upon the cross, we can celebrate the glorious truth that we can come before Him ‘just as we are without one plea’, knowing that in Him we are made new and fully restored in body, mind and spirit.

The Cost

We stand before the cross,
Aghast at the sight,
Of the impaled figure,
Of the suffering Christ.
Naked He hung,
To take our shame,
The agony He endured
To ease our pain.

He took our sorrows,
And our grief.
He gave eternal life
To a common thief.
His peace He gave
To tormented minds.
He healed the sick
He gave sight to the blind.

He took our depravity,
And gave us righteousness to wear
He took our poverty,
And gave us riches beyond compare.
Grace forgives a repentant sinner,
Such was the cost.
A divine exchange,
The power of the cross.

Women and angels wept
Helpless they stood.
The blood of Christ we honour,
Evil was overcome by good.
The price could only be paid
By a perfect Man.
Sinless, the Son of God
His face marred,
His beard torn out for me.
He was despised,
And held in low esteem.
There was no beauty to behold,
There was no Majesty in this King;
There was nothing at all,
To attract us to Him.

But we are to rejoice,
And lift our voice and sing,
From the dead He rose,
Death has lost its sting.
We have a High Priest,
Who empathises with us.
We are healed
By His strips of love.

Glory, Hallelujah;
Redemptions flag is held high.
A new covenant in Royal blood,
Sealed and signed.
Now we have the hope
Of eternal life.
Love has won the battle,
We have the victory in Christ.

May this help your own devotions as you focus on the cross. Linda.