Am I ready for Christmas,
Now there’s a  thought.
The time has been creeping up on me,
Now wonder I’m feeling fraught.

Have I remembered the stuffing,
And I must shop for a turkey.
I’ve still got the cards to write,
I have forgotten what is truly worthy.

Have I remembered the goose fat,
Do we have the gravy.
Have I remembered want matter’s most,
The all-important Baileys.

Do I have the brandy sauce,
I guess I’ll have to go and get it.
O and the Champagne, Moet Chandon
Marks and Spencer will sell it.

O the time is getting on,
Goodness me it’s the last post.
At the door carol singers are singing.
Like an angelic host.

O I must rush now
To my son’s nativity play.
He is playing Joseph,
So, I’d better not be late.

It’s about a child
Born in the middle east.
He brings salvation into the world,
And to our heart’s peace.

So, why all the stress
And this magical time of year.
I sit and watch my son play Joseph,
I cannot help but shed a tears.

I listen to the children sing,
Songs of hope and light.
Something dawns on me,
All was calm at Bethlehem that night.