Statement of Faith

I believe You are my Father, Who created me.
I believe Jesus is the Son of God, Who died for me.
I believe in the Spirit of God, who dwells in me.

I know Jesus has saved me,
I know You have healed me.
I know you have delivered me.

I am saved by grace.
I am loved and accepted.
I am Your child.

You have a purpose for my life.
a plan to bring hope and a future,
And a place for me in eternity.

Linda playing guitar

A little bit about me

Hi, thank you for taking a look at my website. Here is a little bit about me…

My place of worship is Emmanuel Church Centre in Woodley, near Reading, where I lead a home group, various times of worship and work with the children to help them grow in the faith. I also lead a group called Knit and Natter where fifteen ladies gather each Tuesday morning to knit for charity.

Over the years, throughout my faith journey, the Lord has graciously given me words of encouragement and insights which I have written in journals. Now I am sharing many of these thoughts and poems on this website, which I hope you find encouraging and up-lifting. I hope you will get in touch to share your thoughts via our contact page.

I have three grown up children and three Grandchildren with whom I love spending time. In addition to my guitar playing, singing and writing, my interests include reading, art and learning new instruments. Currently I am learning to play bass guitar, which is an inspiring challenge.

Linda Stevens
talented musician, author and prayer partner