Child holding fathers hand

 So Jesus said
‘When you have lifted up the Son of Man,
then you will realise that I am He, and that I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me.
And the one who sent me is with me, He has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to Him.’

John 8:28,29 New Revised Standard Version

Each of us has a God given identity. Our lives are created by our loving Creator and our days planned by Him before ‘as yet there was one of them’, as Psalm 139 reveals. As we grow, our ability to choose develops and we make choices to develop our skills and talents. God gives us freedom to choose whether we follow His way for us or not. We make mistakes but miraculously He can weave the mistakes into our lives so that they become richer and more fruitful.

This poem speaks of intimacy and courage. We come close to Him and go from Him to be a voice for the weak. The Father and the Son are inseparable, they are one. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing and spoke what He heard the Father speak. We His daughters have the power of the risen Lord to go forth and change the world about us.

Linda Stevens

I am my Father’s daughter,
To Him I belong.
I will stay close to His heart
He is my strength and song.
I will not waver or be afraid;
Or fear the dark of night,
For perfect love casts out fear.
He is my salvation and light.

I am my Father’s daughter,
I have all authority in His Son.
When the enemy tries to hinder me,
In Jesus name, I overcome.
I will be of good courage
For only the brave win.
One dark and stormy noon,
The prince of peace died for my sin.

I am my Father’s daughter
His Word is a light to my path.
I will walk the narrow one,
Trusting with all my heart.
Whether the road is troubled,
Smooth or blood stained.
No matter what life throws at me,
I will keep the Faith.

I am my Father’s daughter,
I am betrothed to His Son.
Who never takes His eyes from me,
His heart is truly undone.
I abandon myself to Him,
He is the first in my heart,
O to dance with my Sovereign King,
On the sea of glass.

I am my Father’s daughter,
I will not give up the fight.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done;
I will stand strong is His might.
I will uphold the infallible word of God,
It sets the captives free.
For Jesus is the word of Truth,
Its power overcomes the enemy.

I am my Father’s daughter,
For the orphan and the widow I care.
I will stand up for their cause,
Their burden I will  bear.
I will hold fast to righteousness
And justice and for the poor.
I will be a voice for the displaced,
Their plight will not be ignored.

I am my Father’s daughter,
I will declare His praise.
With all my strength I will lift a shout,
My voice I will raise.
I am light bearer
To lonely hungry souls.
Boldly I will witness to them,
Until Your Name they extol.

I am my Father’s daughter,
I am the apple of His eye.
His Son is my Bridegroom lover,
And I am His blood bought bride.
I am a reigning queen.
I am a mighty warrior,
In the arms of my risen King
I am my Father’s daughter.

Father holding small child