The Lord wants you. Yes He wants you and furthermore He wants you for the person He created. Psalm 46:10 instructs us to, “Be still and know that I Am  God.” Choose a quiet place where you can walk and just be.  Away from the traffic and business of life and soak up your surroundings. It makes up feel refreshed and close to Him.

Where I live is a lake and I never grow tired of walking around it. I love God’s creation. Spring is my favourite time of the year where I see swans and other bird life breed. Below are Swan with their signets.

Swan and Signets

Perhaps your life has slowed down, God has slowed down with you and it is okay. Take advantage of the quiet still waters and linger awhile. He simply loves your company. Stay with Him and don’t rush away.  He is saying to you right now. My Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, not as the world gives but as I give.