The Light Bearer
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    Be still,
    and know
    that I am God

    Psalm 46:10

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    Come to me,
    all you who are weary
    and burdened
    and I will give you rest

    Matthew 11:28

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    The steadfast love
    of the Lord
    never ceases,
    his mercies never
    come to an end,
    they are new every morning,
    great is thy faithfulness.

    Lamentations 3:22,23

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    I lift up my eyes to the hills—
    from where will my help come?
    My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.

    Psalm 121:1,2

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    He will not let your foot be moved,
    he who keeps you will not slumber.
    He who keeps Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.

    Psalm 121:3,4

praying handsWelcome to The Light Bearer. This website is my brainchild. My name is Linda Stevens and I have put years of prayer and thought into The Light Bearer project. My aim is to provide God’s people with an online space where spiritual thirst can be quenched, broken hearts mended and encouragement can be found in our Lord Jesus Christ, through His word, His people and His Spirit. 

Christ has proved Himself faithful for many years in my own every day life and experience in worship in words and music, prayer and healing.

Folk with whom I am involved have personally endorsed this site and organisations have kindly given their suport.

My faith as been my anchor for thirty years, rooted in my local anglican church, I am happy worshipping with all who place Jesus on the throne of their lives.

My own prayer and vision is that The Light Bearer enriches you in times of joy and comforts you in times of struggle, loneliness or despair.

May God Bless you richly.

Linda Stevens

Jesus The Light Bearer

Jesus is the Light of the world and is therefore the Light Bearer. When on earth He healed the sick and delivered those with evil spirits bringing His Light into there lives. John I:4,5 says

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not ]comprehend it.

And in John 8:12
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” ​​​​​​​

I remember being a young Christian when I had my first vision. I was in the bathroom of all places, drying my face. I saw Jesus Christ with light emanating from Him giving me the sign of the blessing.

As we celebrate Christmas let’s remember Jesus not only coming as a baby but as the risen Christ. His Light has shone throughout the generations. One day He will return resplendent in glory. We cannot keep the Son of God in a barn when He has ascended into heaven and it now sitting at the Father’s right hand.

Living Water

Turn this desert of sand,
Into a flowing stream
Sweep over us.
Were in a dry and weary land.
Where no water is.

 Living water, flow over us, flow over us.

Renew this nation O God,
Cause us to believe;
Your holy word.
Let our faith arise,
As in days gone by.

Living water flow over us, flow over us.

Revive us O God,
Come and cleanse our hearts.
Revival flood this land,
May Your church be set apart.

Anyone who is thirsty,
Come to me and drink.

John 7:37

Great Things are Happening

These are lyrics I wrote to music. I know the world is not in a good place and was something King Jesus spoke about would happen in Matthew 24. Yet, “Great Things are Happening.” all over the world.

People are getting saved and healed. In the Middle East Muslims are having dreams revealing King Jesus as the Son of God. 

In Ireland revival is spreading through the British Isles. We have got a lot to be thankful for. God is working in the world.

Great things are happening in the earth
People are turning to Jesus Christ.
And as the grace of God falls on them,
The name above all name is now confessed.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all.
Jesus Christ is Lord of all .
He is exalted, he is exalted
He is exalted in all the earth.

And as we humbly pray and seek His face.
He will hear from heaven and heal our land.
And as we all embrace holiness,
The Love of God will be life changing.


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Spirit fall, Spirit fall on us
I surrender to You tenderly.
Arise, My darling one; Come away with Me.
Awake, My darling one; Wipe the sleep from your eyes.
Am I ready for Christmas, Now there’s a  thought.
Always be obedient to God.

Psalm 23 is a beautifully crafted piece of writing that most people use for their own funeral. And yet in its timelessness it is relevant in everyday living.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want speaks of God being our protector and provider. Today we are going through a cost-of-living crisis never seen in a long while. Fuel and food prices have soared to the point where people are worried and living in fear. And yet the Psalm’s first line assures us of His on going and everlasting comfort. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. We can have peace of mind when we put our faith in these words. God bless and may the Lord be with you.


Marilyn Baker

Marilyn Baker

During the past 30 years Marilyn has travelled around the world, becoming one of Britain’s most popular and well-loved singer-songwriters.

Linda is a lovely worship leader and brings a real sense of the presence of God, as she leads worship. She has worked with us on a regular basis and has a very sensitive gift in healing prayer for emotional needs.”

Marilyn Baker and Tracey Williams of MBM Ministries


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