Whalley the whale was frolicking and twilling as he breached the surface of the crystal blue sea.  When he heard a voice call his name “Whalley how are you these days big fellow” He dived down and quieted himself and heard the voice say to him again.  “Whalley how are you doing.”  He looked around to see if another underwater sea creature was speaking to him.  No one was there.  He heard the voice again only more insistent this time.  “Whalley my friend how are you these days.”  “I am happy and doing okay,” he said.  “I live carefree, swimming down to the deep depths of the sea.  “Who may I ask are you.”  “Whalley I am your creator and I have a job for you my beautiful Whale of the deep, I want you to go and save a man from the stormy waters just off Joppa. It’s easy, all you have to do is swallow him up into your belly.  “You are my creator.” “Yes Whalley, we will talk about that later, so off you go.  Quickly now.”  So off went Whalley as fast as he could, full of wonder at what he had just heard.  My creator I have always wondered where I have come from, he thought to himself.

When Whalley got there, he saw a man floundering in the choppy waters.  He saw the sky clearing into a bright shimmer across the water.  He swam over to the man and opened his mouth wide.  Then with one gigantic gulp he gobbled the man up and he slid down into his throat and into the slimy depth of his belly.

As Whalley swam down into the deep ocean he heard the creators voice, “The man you are carrying in your belly is called Jonah, I asked him to give the city of Nineveh a message, but he did not want to and ran away.”  “What message was that Whalley asked?”  The city is full of sinful people. I wanted Jonah to tell them to turn away from their sin and repent. Swim gently. I do not want him to feel seasick.

Swimming carefully Whalley asked, “So then you are my creator.” “I am indeed I spoke and there you were Whalley.”  “Long ago when I created the world it had land and sea. I made animals to roam on the land and creatures like you to live in the sea.”  Now let’s get back to work Whalley.  I want you to swim to a beach near Nineveh, it will take you 3 days and 3 nights to get there.

Meanwhile Jonah felt so sorry for himself in Whalley stomach.  It smelt of rotting fish and seaweed everywhere.  As he managed to find a place to sit Jonah in his sorrowful state began to pray and repent to God for running away.

Jonah cried out to the Lord in his trouble.  I am in a prison, please save me.  I praise you for my salvation comes from you.  As God heard Jonah’s prayer, he felt merciful toward him, and was glad that Jonah was putting things right.

Whalley then arrived at his destination. “Spit Jonah up on to the beach.  Then the Lord spoke to Johan a second time. “Go the Nineveh and tell them to repent otherwise their city I will destroy if they do not turn from their sinful ways.    

As Whalley was swimming away God spoke and said, “Well done for being Obedient.  I will show you where your favorite food is.  For I always reward those who are obedient to me.

Note from the writer

The moral of this story is clear.  Always be obedient to God.  In the story Whalley the Whale got it right resulting In a wonderful relationship with God. Jonah however got himself in a lot of trouble. He did repent in the end though and learned that Obedience to the Lord is the safest place.

Q1. When Jonah was disobedient, he ran away.  What happened to Jonah?

Q2. What was Whalley the whale able to have?  Where in the story do you see this?

If you would like to have a relationship with Jesus, Just ask him into your heart and say sorry for the things you have done wrong.