Come away with me My love,
When you are weary and dry as a parched stream
And Your burdens great.
It is all going to be all right.
I am a Spring of life,
Flowing into Your heart.
Bringing healing and grace.
All will be well
Do not worry.
Take courage and do not fear
For I will be with you in it.
I will give you rest and peace for your soul.
Continue to cast your care on me,
For I care for you my lovely one.
I say again all will be well
You have nothing to fear.
I am Your light and salvation.
Under my wings take refuge,
And I will cover You with My feathers.
Don’t fear the terrors of night,
Nor the arrows by day.
I Am with you, whatever you go through.
Do not fear the height of the waves,
Walk on water with Me.
Trust and you will not sink.
Stay and remain with me My Love.
All will be well,
All manner of things will be well.

I am soon to have an operation to remove a benign brain tumour and the Lord gave me this word. I hope it is an encouragement to someone who is in apprehension of an upcoming appointment.